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woman testing blood glucose - can you die from diabetes
Health Education

Can you die from diabetes?

The short answer is yes. But, the good news is it’s preventable with the proper diabetes treatments.
blood sugar testing tools - insulin resistance vs diabetes
Health Education

Insulin resistance vs. prediabetes

Both conditions involve how your body makes and uses insulin—here’s how to tell them apart
A pillow and pills coming out of bottles; sleep meds for elderly
The Checkout

How to advise seniors on sleep aids

Learn how to help your patients find the right medications to find rest
Pile of toilet paper tolls - constipation in elderly patients
The Checkout

How to help patients with constipation

As a pharmacist, you can play a critical role in helping patients seeking treatment options and relief
Lawyer sitting at desk with clipboard holding a pen: Medical power of attorney

What is medical power of attorney?

A medical power of attorney gives someone the legal authority to make critical medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so
Free weight, grapefruit | What is Type 3 Diabetes
Health Education

What is Type 3 diabetes?

Researchers are exploring the connection between insulin resistance and brain dysfunction
A woman standing with her finger in her left ear
Health Education

Why is my left ear ringing? Causes of tinnitus in one ear

Ear ringing causes include hearing loss, loud noises, trauma, earwax, or underlying medical conditions
A doctor and an older adult | Bactrim side effects in elderly
Drug Info

Bactrim side effects in elderly

If you’re older than 65, there are some important risks of this Rx
An older person looking at medication instructions: Gabapentin side effects in elderly
Drug Info

Gabapentin side effects in elderly patients

Older adults should beware of the increased risk of falls, drowsiness, depression, and other side effects when taking Gabapentin
An older person reading medication instructions: Hydroxyzine side effects in elderly
Drug Info

Hydroxyzine side effects in elderly patients

Hydroxyzine side effects are more likely to occur when the drug interacts with other medications
Three Rx pill bottles: Donepezil interactions
Drug Info

Donepezil interactions to avoid

It’s important to be aware of donepezil’s drug interactions as other drugs, supplements, and foods can affect its effectiveness or worsen side effects