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Prescription pad and bottle: Aimovig side effects
Drug Info

Aimovig side effects and how to avoid them

Aimovig can reduce the number of migraine days each month but it may have certain side effects, especially with pre-existing conditions or drug interactions
White Rx capsules: Gabapentin for tooth pain
Drug Info

Can you take gabapentin for tooth pain?

Gabapentin may help to alleviate tooth pain by blocking nerve signals to the brain
Hand holding Rx pill bottle and Rx pills: Can you take Tylenol with amoxicillin
Drug Info

Can you take Tylenol with amoxicillin?

It is safe to take Tylenol with amoxicillin but it's important to be aware of potential side effects or interactions
Prescription pad and bottle: Celebrex side effects
Drug Info

Celebrex side effects and how to avoid them

Celebrex can cause more serious side effects than OTC NSAIDs. Learn about the potential side effects, drug interactions, and pre-existing medical conditions that may cause serious problems before taking this medication.
An alcoholic drink alongside of an Rx tablet: Do tramadol and alcohol mix?
Drug Info

Do tramadol and alcohol mix?

Drinking while on tramadol may increase the risk of severe side effects
Rx capsule and Rx tablet: Nortriptyline vs. amitriptyline
Drug vs. Drug

Nortriptyline vs. amitriptyline: Uses, dosages, cost, and side e...

Nortriptyline and amitriptyline are approved by the FDA to treat depression
Person holding the back of the head | headache in back of head
Health Education

8 headache causes

The most common culprit is a tension headache, but there are other possible reasons
A teddy bear with children pain relievers
Drug Info

What’s the best pain reliever or fever reducer for kids?

Ibuprofen to treat types of headaches
Health Education

8 common types of headaches

Each variety of head pain has a slightly different treatment regimen, so it’s important to know which you have
Two Rx tablets: Can you take meloxicam with ibuprofen?
Drug Info

Can you take meloxicam with ibuprofen?

It is not considered safe to take meloxicam with ibuprofen
Rx pill bottles with question mark lable: Tylenol with Codeine, Hydrocodone, or Oxycodone
Drug Info

What’s best for pain relief? Tylenol with codeine, hydroco...

The dose of these common painkillers will vary by patient depending on the amount of pain a patient is in, their age, weight, drug history, and other factors
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