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Rx liquid medication vs Rx tablet: Pepto-Bismol vs. Tums
Drug vs. Drug

Pepto-Bismol vs. Tums: Differences, similarities, and which is b...

Compare the efficacy, indications, and side effects of Pepto-Bismol vs. Tums
Hot water bottle for pain relief with OTC pill bottles: Ibuprofen and sore muscles
Drug Info

Does ibuprofen help sore muscles?

Ibuprofen can relieve muscle soreness but may not work for exercise-related pain
Over-the-counter medication for stress and anxiety

5 OTC stress and anxiety treatments

What to take for non-prescription relief of these mood killers
A man blowing his nose: Best allergy medicine for a runny nose
Health Education

Best allergy medicine for a runny nose

Medication should help, but see an allergist if runny nose allergies become a nuisance
Rx blister packs and Rx pill bottle: Non-drowsy allergy medicine
Drug Info

What are the best non-drowsy allergy medicines?

Non-drowsy antihistamines, such as Allegra, Claritin, and Clarinex can offer allergy relief without the symptom of drowsiness
Two Rx tablets: Can you take Claritin and Zyrtec together?
Drug Info

Can you take Claritin and Zyrtec together?

It is not recommended to take Claritin and Zyrtec together
OTC pills respresenting Zyrtec vs Benadryl
Drug vs. Drug

Zyrtec vs. Benadryl: Differences, similarities, and which is bet...

Zyrtec and Benadryl both treat allergies but work in different ways. Compare these drugs to find out which is best for you.
Three open OTC pill bottles: Can you get phentermine over the counter?
Drug Info

Can you get phentermine over the counter?

While phentermine is only available with a prescription, there are some weight loss drugs that can be purchased over-the-counter
Rx tablets: Acetaminophen vs. Aspirin
Drug vs. Drug

Acetaminophen vs. aspirin: Differences, similarities, and which ...

Acetaminophen and aspirin both treat pain and fever but work in different ways
heartburn medicine - best heartburn medicine
Drug Info

Best heartburn meds

If you experience heartburn or indigestion, these options could spell relief
Rx pill bottles: Best OTC anti-inflammatory drugs
Drug Info

What are the best OTC anti-inflammatory drugs?

Ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, and diclofenac are popular OTC NSAIDs, but sometimes prescription anti-inflammatories are needed