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Syringe with injectable medicine: Common vs. serious Emgality side effects
Drug Info

Emgality side effects and how to avoid them

Injection site reactions are common Emgality side effects. Learn how to administer Emgality injections to avoid side effects.
Guide to the newest migraine medication
Drug Info

A guide to new migraine meds

Over the past few years, there have been additional FDA-approved treatments for people who experience migraine
FDA approval stamp

Meet Ubrelvy, the new FDA-approved medication that cures migraine

In nearly 1 in 4 U.S. households, someone suffers from migraine, according…
A girl with abdominal migraine
Health Education

What is abdominal migraine in children?

The causes and symptoms of this neurological condition
Group of pill bottles: Triptans list
Drug Info

Triptans: Uses, common brands, and safety information

Triptans treat moderate to severe migraines, or mild migraines that have not responded to other forms of treatment
Prescription pad with pill bottle: Common vs. serious Depakote side effects
Drug Info

Depakote side effects and how to avoid them

Depakote treats a variety of conditions but it can produce side effects such as tremors, weight changes, hair loss, and depression
Prescription pad with pill bottle: Common vs. serious Sumatriptan side effects
Drug Info

Sumatriptan side effects and how to avoid them

Sumatriptan treats acute migraines and cluster headaches but treatment can come with side effects
living with migraines - talking to your family - child's chair

How to talk to your family about migraines

“Don’t bother Mommy—she has a headache.” I can’t count how many times…
Postdrome phase after migraine; pillow
Health Education

How to survive a migraine hangover

You wake up tired, achy, and irritable, with a dull pain in…
A stamp for FDA approval - naloxone OTC

Recent FDA approvals include drugs for opioid addiction, migrain...

Getting drug approval from the FDA includes a highly regulated process that…
Migraine medication - split pill
Health Education

When to talk to your doctor about a prescription for migraine

Throbbing, pulsing pain. Sensitivity to light and sound. Nausea and vomiting. If…
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