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package of antidepressants - signs your antidepressant dose is too high
Drug Info

5 cues to adjust antidepressant dosage

Here’s are some signs that your medication dose might be too high
Rx pill bottles with floating pills: Which antidepressants cause weight loss?
Drug Info

Which antidepressants cause weight loss?

Learn how antidepressants such as Wellbutrin, Prozac, and Effexor may contribute to weight loss
Tablet with charts and graphs: Stress statistics and trends

Stress statistics 2024: How common is stress, and who’s most a...

Everyone experiences stress to some degree, but it is important to address it before it becomes chronic
Wellbutrin vs Lexapro drug comparison
Drug vs. Drug

Wellbutrin vs. Lexapro: Differences, similarities, and which is ...

Wellbutrin and Lexapro both treat depression, but they work in different ways
Rx pills comparing anxiety and depression treatment
Drug vs. Drug

Effexor vs. Lexapro: Differences, similarities, and which is bet...

Comparing Effexor and Lexapro for depression and anxiety
Cymbalta vs. Lexapro drug comparison
Drug vs. Drug

Cymbalta vs. Lexapro: Differences, similarities, and which is be...

Cymbalta and Lexapro both treat depression but work differently
Rx pill bottles: Olanzapine alternatives
Drug Info

Olanzapine alternatives: What can I take instead of olanzapine?

Olanzapine doesn't work for everyone. Seroquel, Abilify, Geodon, Latuda, and Depakote are some olanzapine alternatives. Get the full list here.
woman holding ear - can stress cause vertigo
Health Education

Can stress cause vertigo?

Vertigo can cause dizziness, disorientation, and nausea. Here we explore if being under serious stress can bring on this unpleasant condition.
woman stretching - benefits of exercise on mental health

6 mental health conditions exercise improves

Working out has a powerful impact on your mental health—here's how
Hand holding Rx capsule: Fetzima without insurance
Drug Info

How much is Fetzima without insurance?

Fetzima costs $458 without insurance. Learn how to get Fetzima at a lower price, or find cheaper alternatives.
Hands holding Rx pills and pill bottle: Zoloft weight gain
Health Education

Does Zoloft cause weight gain?

Learn how to minimize Zoloft weight gain and compare the symptoms to those of other popular SSRIs
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