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syringe - rsv vaccine
Health Education

The RSV vaccine, explained

Two FDA-approved RSV vaccines are available this season, but only certain groups are eligible
Scattered pill bottles: Valacyclovier hcl without insurance
Drug Info

How much is Valacyclovir HCl (Valtrex) without insurance?

HCl (Valtrex), costs $493 without insurance. Learn how to get valacyclovir HCl at a lower price, or find cheaper alternatives.
Picture of a dog - amoxicillin for dogs

Amoxicillin for dogs

This penicillin antibiotic may be prescribed for your four-legged friend in these instances
Woman standing with a finger in her ear: Causes of ringing in the ear
Health Education

What causes ringing in the ear? Related conditions and treatments

Ringing in the ears can be caused by a variety of factors, including age, infection, certain medical conditions, or prescription medications
Two bathroom doors: one male and one female
Health Education

Why does it burn when I pee?

If you feel a burning sensation when you urinate, chances are that it is a urinary tract infection, but there are other possible causes as well
Smiling mouth - antibiotics for tooth infection
Drug Info

Best Rx for tooth infections

This is what doctors recommend for as a first-line treatment
Rx pill bottle with eye illustration: What is blepharitis?
Health Education

What is blepharitis?

Blepharitis is treatable and normally not a cause for concern, but proper eye hygiene is key
Woman holding her hands over her belly button area: Belly button infections
Health Education

Belly button infections: Symptoms, treatments, and prevention

Poor hygiene, piercings, and skin cysts are a few causes of belly button infections
Rx prescription pad and Rx pill bottle: Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim interactions
Drug Info

Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim interactions to avoid

Many of the drug interactions related to sulfa-methoxazole-trimethoprim are linked to increasing the serious side effects of other medications
A female closing h er eyes and putting one finger in her ear: What causes clogged ears?
Health Education

What causes clogged ears? Related conditions and treatments

Clogged ears can happen for a variety of reasons but typically only need medical attention if caused by an infection or if the clogged feeling persists
Latex gloved hand holding blood test vial: What is globulin?
Health Education

What is globulin?

Globulins help the body fight off foreign pathogens, support the formation of blood clots, and help transport important substances