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California state map and stethoscope: Guide to Medicaid in California

Guide to Medicaid in California

The Medicaid program for California, known as Medi-Cal, provides coverage for a number of necessary medical services as well as some prescription medications
Older couple hugging: Florida Medicaid guide

Guide to Medicaid in Florida

Learn about eligibility, restrictions, and coverage under Florida Medicaid and its related program, Florida KidCare
How to much is without insurance
Drug Info

How much is Jublia without insurance?

Jublia costs $962 without insurance. Learn how to get Jublia at a lower price, or find cheaper alternatives.
Rx pills and prescription pad: What is step therapy?
Health Education

What is step therapy?

Requiring patients to try lower-cost medication options before using more expensive treatments is known as step therapy
Rx pill bottle and prescription pad: Prescription drug quantity limits
Health Education

What are quantity limits for prescription drugs?

The idea behind quantity limits is to keep patients safe and make sure drugs are used correctly
Rx tablets: Trulance without insurance
Drug Info

Trulance without insurance

Trulance costs $733 without insurance. Learn how to get Trulance at a lower price, or find cheaper alternatives.
Rx pill bottles: Xeljanz without insurance?
Drug Info

How much is Xeljanz without insurance?

Xeljanz costs $6639 without insurance. Learn how to get Xeljanz at a lower price, or find cheaper alternatives.
Rx autoinjector pen: Levemir without insurance
Drug Info

How much is Levemir without insurance?

Levemir costs $396 without insurance. Learn how to get Levemir at a lower price or find cheaper alternatives.
Scattered pill bottles: Valacyclovier hcl without insurance
Drug Info

How much is Valacyclovir HCl (Valtrex) without insurance?

HCl (Valtrex), costs $493 without insurance. Learn how to get valacyclovir HCl at a lower price, or find cheaper alternatives.
Rx tablets: Slynd without insurance
Drug Info

How much is Slynd without insurance?

Slynd costs $276 without insurance. Learn how to get Slynd at a lower price, or find cheaper alternatives.
Rx tabletes: How much is BuSpar (buspirone) without insurance?
Drug Info

How much is buspirone (BuSpar) without insurance?

The generic version of BuSpar, buspirone, costs $39 without insurance. Learn how to get buspirone at a lower price, or find cheaper alternatives.
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