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Alarm clock next to a blue pill - how long does Viagra stay in your system
Drug Info

How long does Viagra last?

Timing is everything for the little blue pill. It’s most effective for four hours after taking it but remains in your body for up to a full 24 hours.
Blue Rx pill: How much is Viagra (sildenafil citrate) without insurance?
Drug Info

How much is sildenafil citrate without insurance?

The generic version of Viagra, sildenafil citrate, costs $1194 without insurance. Learn how to get sildenafil citrate at a lower price or find cheaper alternatives.
Rx pill bottles: Sildenafil citrate alternatives
Drug Info

Sildenafil citrate alternatives: What can I take instead of sild...

Sildenafil citrate doesn't work for everyone. Tadalafil, Stendra, vardenafil, Caverject, and Muse are some sildenafil citrate alternatives. Get the full list here.
Rx pill bottles: Tadalafil alternatives
Drug Info

Tadalafil (Cialis) alternatives: What can I take instead of tada...

Cialis (tadalafil) doesn't work for everyone. Viagra, Stendra, Staxyn, Caverject, and Muse are some tadalafil alternatives. Get the full list here.
Rx prescription pad & Rx pill bottle: Generic Cialis
Drug Info

Cialis generic availability, cost, and dosage

Brand-name and generic Cialis are essentially the same medication with the same active ingredient
Blue Rx pill: Generic Viagra
Drug Info

What to know about generic Viagra

The major difference between Viagra and sildenafil is the price and appearance
Blue Rx pill: Sildenafil interactions to avoid
Drug Info

Sildenafil interactions to avoid

Sildenafil interacts with nitrates, alpha-blockers, and medications that treat high blood pressure
Rx pill bottle and Rx prescription pad: Tadalafil interactions
Drug Info

Tadalafil interactions to avoid

Tadalafil can cause severely low blood pressure if taken with other medications that can lower blood pressure, such as nitrates and alpha blockers
Comparing two drug tablets: Levitra vs Cialis ED drug comparison
Drug vs. Drug

Levitra vs. Cialis: Differences, similarities, and which is bett...

Levitra and Cialis treat erectile dysfunction (ED) but work in different ways
Banana with three spoons full of vitamins: Can vitamins treat erectile dysfunction?
Health Education

What is the best vitamin for erectile dysfunction?

Vitamins B9, D, B3, C, and L-arginine are some supplements for erectile dysfunction
An image of fake viagra
Drug Info

Viagra is one of the most counterfeit drugs. Here’s how to...