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cannabis leaf and cbd oil - cbd and blood thinners
The Checkout

Can you mix blood thinners and CBD?

CBD use is growing in the U.S., so it’s important to know how to counsel patients on certain meds, like blood thinners
cappuccino and a tablet - plavix and coffee
Drug Info

Do coffee and Plavix mix?

Here’s what you should know about combining the antiplatelet medication with caffeine
Birth control pills
Drug Info

Do antibiotics affect birth control?

Most antibiotics won’t reduce the efficacy of hormonal birth control, but these two kinds will
A cocktail with pills next to it: Is it safe to mix alcohol and naproxen?
Drug Info

Can you drink on Naproxen?

Learn the potential risks and side effects of mixing alcohol and this OTC pain reliever
Compare drug vss drug
Drug vs. Drug

Compare popular OTC and Rx drugs

Compare drug prices, side effects, interactions, warnings, and more
Spilled prescription bottle of pills: Cyclobenzaprine interactions
Drug Info

Cyclobenzaprine interactions

Learn what medicines you should avoid while taking this muscle relaxant
Spilled Rx pills: Methocarbamol interactions
Drug Info

Methocarbamol interactions to avoid

Learn what medicines you should avoid while taking this muscle relaxant
Rx pill bottle and prescription pad: Paxlovid interactions
Drug Info

Paxlovid interactions to avoid

Paxlovid interacts with statins, calcium channel blockers, ED medications, and hormonal contraceptives
Scattered pill bottles: Baclofan interactions
Drug Info

Baclofen interactions to avoid

Muscle relaxers are sometimes used to manage muscle aches, tightness, and pain…
Spilled Rx pill bottle: Nitrofurantoin interactions
Drug Info

Nitrofurantoin interactions to avoid

Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic that’s used to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs).…
tablet next to a cocktail - tylenol and alcohol
Drug Info

Do Tylenol and alcohol mix?

Both are processed by the liver, so combining them can have unwanted side effects
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