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A checkmark and an x - what can cause a false positive on a drug test?
Drug Info

13 causes of a false positive drug test

These prescriptions—and other substances—can skew the results of a screen for illicit substances
Rx pill bottles: Can you mix Can you take trazodone and Prozac
Drug Info

Can you take trazodone and Prozac together?

Learn how trazodone and Prozac interact, the dangers of serotonin syndrome, and expert advice on combining these antidepressants safely.
Rx prescription pad and Rx pill bottle: Rosuvastatin interactions
Drug Info

Rosuvastatin interactions to avoid

Potential drug interactions with rosuvastatin could lead to serious side effects, including muscle pain and weakness
Various pills, capsules, and supplements: Atorvastatin interactions to be aware of
Drug Info

Lipitor interactions with drugs, vitamins, and foods

Lipitor (atorvastatin) interactions can cause myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, and liver enzyme abnormalities
Rx pill bottle and prescription pad: Propranolol interactions
Drug Info

Propranolol interactions to avoid

Propranolol interacts with antiarrhythmics, antidepressants, triptans, high-fat meals, alcohol, and caffeine
Three Rx pill bottles: Spironolactone interactions
Drug Info

Spironolactone interactions to avoid

While spironolactone poses a risk of interactions with other drugs, there are also possible warnings and precautions to consider, particularly in those with certain health problems
person holding a cup of coffee - caffeine and beta blockers
Drug Info

Do coffee and beta blockers mix?

Find out if caffeine interacts with these prescriptions for hypertension and heart problems
medications and vitamins - can you take medicine and vitamins together
Health Education

6 types of vitamin interactions

Some natural options may not play nicely with your prescribed medications
pack of birth control pills - antibiotics and birth control
Drug Info

11 medications that interfere with birth control

Certain antibiotics, antifungals, and even some supplements can make contraception less effective
bottle of pills - is meloxicam safe to take everyday
Drug Info

Can you take meloxicam daily?

The answer is yes—with a few caveats. Learn when it’s not a good idea.
Grapefruit section - food medication interactions
Health Education

7 food-medication interactions

Certain things you eat can affect how well your prescriptions work