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Hand holding an Rx blue capsule: Atomoxetine interactions
Drug Info

Atomoxetine interactions to avoid

Besides drug interactions, atomoxetine can have more adverse effects when taken in the setting of certain medical conditions
Daily pill holder and pills: Fluconazole interactions
Drug Info

Fluconazole interactions to avoid

Fluconazole is metabolized almost exclusively by the liver, so consumption of other medications requiring hepatic metabolism while taking fluconazole can be problematic
Rx prescription pad and Rx pills: Olanzapine interactions
Drug Info

Olanzapine interactions to avoid

The most serious olanzapine interactions occur when it is used along with drugs that prolong QTc
Rx pill bottle and Rx prescription pad: Clopidogrel interactions
Drug Info

Clopidogrel interactions to avoid

Be cautious when taking clopidogrel in combination with antidepressants as this medication can intensify blood-thinning effects
Rx prescription pad with Rx pills: Mirtazapine interactions
Drug Info

Mirtazapine interactions to avoid

Mirtazapine is prescribed to treat depression but can interact with various drugs and classes of drugs
spilled coffee and tablets - meloxicam and coffee
Drug Info

Does coffee interact with meloxicam?

Your morning joe doesn’t directly interact with the NSAID—but it could upset your stomach
Spilled Rx pills: Hydroxychloroquine interactions
Drug Info

Hydroxychloroquine interactions to avoid

Hydroxychloroquine can interact with certain medications. Here's what not to take to avoid side effects.
Rx prescription pad and Rx pill bottle: Methylphenidate interactions
Drug Info

Methylphenidate interactions to avoid

Methylphenidate is known to have interactions with various types of medications, including other prescription drugs, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, and herbal supplements
A stack of Rx pills and a Rx pill bottle: Ketorolac interactions
Drug Info

Ketorolac interactions to avoid

Aside of drug interactions, ketorlac also interacts in those who have kidney, liver, or heart disease
Three Rx pill bottles: Donepezil interactions
Drug Info

Donepezil interactions to avoid

It’s important to be aware of donepezil’s drug interactions as other drugs, supplements, and foods can affect its effectiveness or worsen side effects
Rx pill bottle and prescription pad: Aripiprazole interactions
Drug Info

Aripiprazole interactions to avoid

In addition to prescription medications, aripiprazole may interact with alcohol, herbal supplements, cannabis, and certain health conditions
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