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Open medicine cabinet: Medication safety tips
Health Education

Home medication safety guide–how to keep kids and pets safe

Each year, 35,000 children younger than 5 visit the ER for ingesting medicine while unsupervised. Learn how to properly store medication to keep kids and pets safe at home.
Two images of brains made of puzzle pieces symbolize ADHD facts and ADHD myths
Health Education

6 ADHD myths and misconceptions

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD) affects over 8% of children…
A man with ADHD fatigue
Health Education

Can ADHD make you tired?

Brain fog, tiredness, and burnout are the lesser-known symptoms of ADHD
A jar of gummy vitamins spilled out. What happens if you eat too many gummy vitamins?
Health Education

Can you eat too many gummy vitamins?

Gummy vitamins taste good, which could lead to overconsumption. Here’s what to know if you—or your child—ingest too many.
gluten free halloween candy
Health Education

Gluten-free Halloween candy

It doesn’t have to be a scary time for kids with Celiac or gluten sensitivities
Children with hand, foot, and mouth disease
Health Education

The parent’s guide to hand, foot, and mouth disease in children

Endless coughs and sneezes, runny noses, and unexplained itchy bumps—kids seem to…
package of medication - Can kids take Zofran?
Drug Info

Can kids take Zofran?

If your child has particularly bad nausea, here are your options
Spilled pill bottle of blue and white capsules: Vyvanse side effects in kids
Drug Info

Common Vyvanse side effects in kids

Loss of appetite and irritability are possible Vyvanse side effects in children
A vial of blood represents lead test results
Health Education

What are normal lead levels?

Lead exposure can have dangerous—and permanent—health effects. These are considered normal levels.
A hand and a bottle of water represent how to swallow a pill
Health Education

How to swallow a pill

Try these tips and tricks to teach kids how to get their much-needed medicine
A parents' guide to ADHD medication for children
Health Education

ADHD medication and children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that is often…