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An Rx pill bottle inside of a heart drawing: Is it safe to stop blood thinners before surgery?
Drug Info

Is it safe to stop blood thinners before surgery?

Doctors typically require patients to stop taking blood thinners at least 24 hours before surgery
An Rx vial: Eliquis reversal
Drug Info

How to reverse Eliquis?

Andexxa works as a reversal agent to treat uncontrollable bleeding for those taking Eliquis
Pill bottle and prescription pad: Lisinopril side effects
Drug Info

Lisinopril side effects, warnings, and interactions

Lisinopril is a generic medication used to treat high blood pressure but can come with side effects. Know the warnings and drug interactions of lisinopril before taking this medication.
Rx pill bottle: Losartan side effects
Drug Info

Losartan side effects and how to avoid them

Losartan side effects include weight changes, heart palpitations, and sexual dysfunction
A doctor holding an electronic tablet: How long should you stop Eliquis before surgery?
Drug Info

How long should you stop Eliquis before surgery?

Eliquis should be stopped between two and five days prior to surgery
Rx pad and pill bottle: Xarelto side effects
Drug Info

Xarelto side effects and how to avoid them

Xarelto works to slow the formation of blood clots and is used to treat deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). Common side effects are usually mild and temporary but serious effects require immediate medical attention.
Rx pill vs. pill: Eliquis vs Warfarin comparison
Drug vs. Drug

Eliquis vs. Warfarin: Differences, similarities, and which is be...

Eliquis and warfarin are both blood thinners, or anticoagulants, used to prevent and treat blood clotting disorders
Medications edema and hypertension
Drug vs. Drug

Torsemide vs. Lasix: Differences, similarities, and which is bet...

Drug overview & main differences | Conditions treated | Efficacy | Insurance…
A stamp for FDA approval - naloxone OTC

FDA approves apixaban, first Eliquis generic

The popular blood thinner medication helps those at risk for stroke, but it will not be available as a generic for many years
Rx injections: Lovenox vs. Heparin
Drug vs. Drug

Lovenox vs. heparin: Differences, similarities, and which is bet...

Drug overview & main differences | Conditions treated | Efficacy | Insurance…
Rx pills comparing irbesartan vs valsartan
Drug vs. Drug

IrIbesartan vs. valsartan: Differences, similarities, and which ...

Irbesartan and valsartan treat hypertension, or high blood pressure, but they work in different ways