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A palm holding a few pills: Can you take ciprofloxacin and metronidazole together
Drug Info

Can you take ciprofloxacin and metronidazole together?

Why your healthcare provider may prescribe these two drugs together and what you should know about interactions and side effects
Weights and pills represent working out on antibiotics
Drug Info

Do exercise and antibiotics mix?

In most cases, working out while you’re on antibiotic medications is safe, but there is one that can increase your risk of injury.
Yogurt and pills symbolize yeast infection from antibiotics
Health Education

Preventing antibiotic-related yeast infections

These tips can help avoid this unpleasant side effect of treating a bacterial infection
Rx pills comparing Cephalexin and amoxicillin
Drug vs. Drug

Cephalexin vs. Amoxicillin: Differences, similarities, and which...

Antibiotics such as cephalexin and amoxicillin treat bacterial infections
Rx pill bottle: Kidney infections & amoxicillin
Drug Info

Treating kidney infections with amoxicillin: Dosage, effectivene...

Amoxicillin treats mild kidney infections, but alternative antibiotics may be required for more severe cases.
An antibiotic capsule: Amoxicillin for cough and cold symptoms
Drug Info

Amoxicillin for cough and cold symptoms: What experts say

Antibiotics like amoxicillin can cause more harm than good when misused
Rx pills representing Amoxicillin vs Augmentin drug comparison
Drug vs. Drug

Amoxicillin vs. Augmentin: Differences, similarities, and which ...

Amoxicillin and Augmentin are prescription antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections such as ear infections, UTIs, sinusitis, and more
Rx capsule vs. tablet:
Drug vs. Drug

Doxycycline vs. amoxicillin: Uses, side effects, and cost compar...

The effectiveness of doxycycline or amoxicillin depends on the type of infection being treated
A teddy bear and some medicine: Amoxicillin for kids
Drug Info

Amoxicillin for kids: Safety, side effects, and other considerat...

Learn why your pediatrician may or may not prescribe amoxicillin for your child, the safest amoxicillin dosage for kids, and potential side effects to watch for
A prescription pad and a mix of random pills: Can you take fluconazole and metronidazole together?
Drug Info

Can you take fluconazole and metronidazole together?

There are situations when a healthcare provider may prescribe both drugs, but there are risks to consider
A prescription pad and random pills: Can you take doxycycline and amoxicillin together?
Drug Info

Can you take doxycycline and amoxicillin together?

Learn whether it’s safe to take these two antibiotics together and when they may be prescribed