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Hand holding Rx pills: What can I take instead of Vyvanse?
Drug Info

Vyvanse alternatives: What can I take instead of Vyvanse?

Vyvanse doesn't work for everyone. Adderall XR, Concerta, Intuniv, Ritalin, and Strattera are some Vyvanse alternatives. Get the full list here.
Assortment of prescription pill bottles: What's the difference between Vyvanse withdrawal vs. Vyvanse crash?
Drug Info

Vyvanse crash vs. withdrawal. Symptoms, safety, and more

Learn the difference between a Vyvanse crash and Vyvanse withdrawal and what to do to treat, and prevent, symptoms
Rx pill bottle: What you should know about prescription Adderall
Drug Info

What you should know about prescription Adderall

Wondering how to get prescribed Adderall? Here are the steps required for a prescription.
Vyvanse capsule - Vyvanse headache
Drug Info

Vyvanse headaches

It’s a fairly uncommon side effect of this ADHD medication
Rx pill bottle: Clonidine side effects and how to avoid them
Drug Info

Clonidine side effects and how to avoid them

Clonidine side effects include weight changes, hair loss, and sexual dysfunction
A prescription bottle with an exclamation mark on it: Signs your Adderall dose is too low
Drug Info

Signs your adderall dose is too low

It’s important to be patient when starting Adderall, as it could take months to find the right dose for you
Capsules lined up from small to large doses - what happens when vyvanse dose is too low
Drug Info

When your Vyvanse dose is too low

Symptoms such as inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity won’t be well controlled
A prescription pad and a prescription bottle: Switching from Adderall to Vyvanse
Drug Info

Switching from Adderall to Vyvanse: Why and how to do it safely

Learn why a healthcare provider may recommend switching from Adderall to Vyvanse in certain patients
Rx pill bottles and pills: What can I take instead of clonidine?
Drug Info

Clonidine alternatives: What can I take instead of clonidine?

Clonidine doesn't work for everyone. Diovan, hydrochlorothiazide, Norvasc, Toprol XL, and Intuniv are some clonidine alternatives. Get the full list here.
A woman with dumbbells - ADHD and exercise
Health Education

6 best exercises for ADHD

Get your blood—and your dopamine levels—pumping with these workout ideas
Two Rx tablets: Phentermine vs. Adderall
Drug vs. Drug

Phentermine vs. Adderall: Differences, similarities, and which o...

Phentermine and Adderall are approved to treat different conditions, but are both commonly prescribed for the treatment of ADHD