Happy American Heart Month! Did you know that about 45% of all adults in the U.S. have high blood pressure, which can put them at an increased risk for heart disease and stroke? Given how prevalent heart health issues are, this February we were extremely focused on bringing awareness to cardiovascular health. Whether it was through educating our customers about heart medications like Lipitor, Brilinta, or Entresto—or offering discounts for up to 80% on these prescriptions, we couldn’t be happier to spread information about this very important cause.
Want to learn more about how SingleCare helps our customers save on their medications? Check out some of our favorite SingleCare reviews from this month.
If you haven’t used SingleCare yet, it’s easy! Just follow these 4 steps for prescription savings:
- Download our iOS or Android app or go to our website.
- Search for your medication, making sure to adjust for quantity, dosage, and zip code.
- Choose the pharmacy closest to you and either print, text, or email yourself a free drug coupon.
- When you go to the pharmacy, show your pharmacist the coupon! That’s it!
We’d love to hear about your experience once you start saving with SingleCare! You’re always welcome to leave a SingleCare review on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Trustpilot pages or contact our customer service team at 1-844-234-3057.