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How much is Chantix (varenicline) without insurance?

Learn how to get varenicline tartrate at a lower price, or find cheaper alternatives.
Broken cigarette: Chantix without insurance

Key takeaways

  • Brand-name Chantix is no longer available, but the generic version, varenicline tartrate, is an available option to help people quit smoking.

  • Varenicline can still seem pricey despite being generic, although most insurance plans provide coverage for the drug.

  • SingleCare coupons and the SingleCare discount card can provide substantial savings off the retail price of varenicline for those without insurance and could be lower than some individual’s required copay.

    • Varenicline is available in a convenient starter pack for the first month of therapy and continuation packs for subsequent months of treatment, as well as unpacked 0.5 mg and 1 mg tablets, with each format being priced differently.

Quitting smoking is tough. Chantix is a prescription drug that has helped people be successful in the difficult but rewarding endeavor of smoking cessation. As nicotine’s effects wear off, it creates a powerful, physical need for more. Chantix binds to nicotinic receptors in the brain and reduces withdrawal symptoms and cravings. It provides an alternative to nicotine replacement therapies like lozenges, inhalers, sprays, gum, and patches. More recently, the generic form of Chantix, varenicline tartrate has become available, and brand-name Chantix is no longer being manufactured. This development has changed the drug’s pricing. You need to know what that could mean for your out-of-pocket expenses. 

How much does varenicline tartrate cost without insurance?

Your out-of-pocket cost for varenicline tartrate depends on a number of factors. If you have health insurance, the inclusion of the drug on your plan’s formulary is the first matter to investigate. If varenicline is on the formulary, you can check to see if it is a preferred drug, what tier it is on, and what copay is required to determine your monthly expense.

For example, the 2025 Aetna Standard Plan includes varenicline in the formulary and grants it special status, so some individuals may not have a copay. With a Humana Medicare drug plan in 2025, varenicline is listed on the formulary at tier 3 or 4. According to the American Lung Association, the Affordable Care Act mandates that most health insurance plans cover some level of smoking cessation therapies, including FDA-approved medications, at no cost to the insured.

Without insurance or coverage, the retail price of varenicline can be $630 for the 53-tablet starter pack that covers the first month. Continuation packs for the following two to five months can cost $390 for each 56-tablet monthly pack. That puts the cost of a three-month course of varenicline at about $1400, and if it is extended to six months, the total expense jumps to over $2500. Healthcare providers and patients must work together to determine the optimal duration of varenicline therapy. Of note, pharmacies may differ in what they charge for medications.

How much does generic varenicline tartrate cost?

Varenicline’s retail price can be intimidating. To fully evaluate the drug’s cost, you will want to know if discounts are available and what alternatives exist. Fortunately, discounts can be had, and nicotine replacement is still a viable option. In addition, bupropion is an available generic form of Zyban, a drug approved years ago for smoking cessation. Brand-name Zyban is no longer manufactured under that name, but Wellbutrin SR has the same active ingredient.

Drug name Price without insurance SingleCare price Savings options
Varenicline tartrate starter pack $630 per 1, 53-tablet starter pack of generic varenicline $31 per 1, 53-tablet starter pack of generic varenicline See latest prices
Varenicline tartrate continuation pack) $390 for 1, 56-tablet continuation pack of generic varenicline $48 per 1, 56-tablet continuation pack of generic varenicline See latest prices
NIcoderm CQ (nicotine transdermal patch) $67 for 14 daily-use patches $6 per for 14 generic nicotine, daily-use patches See latest prices
Nicotrol (nicotine inhaler) $660 per 1, 168 brand-name inhaler $500 per 1, 168 brand-name inhaler See latest prices
Nicorette (nicotine gum) $70 per 1, 100-piece pack of brand-name gum $6 per 1, 100-piece pack of brand-name gum See latest prices
Nicorette Mini (nicotine polacrilex lozenge) $49 per 3, 20-lozenge bottles of brand-name Nicorette Mini lozenges $20 per 3, 24-lozenge bottles of generic nicotine polacrilex lozenges See latest prices
Bupropion SR (extended-release 12-hour tablets) $130 per 60, 150 mg tablets of generic bupropion SR $26 per 60, 150 mg tablets of generic bupropion SR See latest prices

Prescription drug prices often change. These are the most accurate medication prices at the time of publishing. The listed price without insurance references the price of brand-name drugs (unless otherwise specified). The listed SingleCare price references the price of generic drugs if available. Click the link under “Savings options” to see the latest drug prices.

RELATED: Varenicline tartrate alternatives: What can I take instead of varenicline tartrate? 

Varenicline tartrate costs by dose

Varenicline tartrate no longer has a brand-name version. However, the tablets do have different dose strengths. On days one through three, patients take 0.5 mg of varenicline once daily. On days four through seven, they take 0.5 mg of varenicline twice daily. Then on day eight through the end of treatment, the dose of varenicline is a 1 mg tablet taken twice daily. Starter packs of varenicline lay out the initial dose titration in a convenient format, while the continuation packs are simply meant as a handy way to remember to take the 1 mg tablet twice daily. Pricing differs depending on how varenicline is packed.

Compare varenicline tartrate prices by strength

Strength SingleCare price of brand-name SingleCare price of generic
Varenicline tartrate starter pack Brand not available $31 per 1, 53-tablet starter pack of generic varenicline
Varenicline tartrate continuation pack Brand not available $48 per 1, 56-tablet continuation pack of generic varenicline
0.5 mg of varenicline tartrate Brand not available $55 per 60, 0.5 mg tablets of generic varenicline
1 mg of varenicline tartrate Brand not available $50 per 60, 1 mg tablets of generic varenicline
See our lowest price for varenicline tartrate without insurance

Is varenicline tartrate covered by insurance?

Insurance plans usually cover smoking cessation options, including varenicline. Medicare drug plans typically do as well. However, individuals must always check their plan’s drug formulary to determine if coverage is provided for varenicline.

How to get varenicline tartrate without insurance

Although varenicline is a generic drug, the retail price could still cause people without insurance coverage to hesitate about buying it. Ways to save money on the drug are worth exploring.

1. SingleCare discount card

A SingleCare discount card is a free and easy way to save on your prescriptions, including varenicline. Take the card along with your prescription to the pharmacy. Hand them to your pharmacist to see what you can save.

2. SingleCare varenicline tartrate coupon

A SingleCare prescription discount coupon for varenicline generates reliable savings month after month for smoking cessation drugs and many other prescription medications. Use our free varenicline coupons at thousands of participating pharmacies across the United States. Simply present the coupon when you drop off your prescription. 

3. Pharmacy savings

Varenicline prices vary by pharmacy. In one area of the country, the SingleCare discounted price of 60 1 mg tablets of varenicline can vary from $50 to $400, depending on which pharmacy is used. You can search for your varenicline prescription and enter your zip code on to find the pharmacy near you with the lowest price.
