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Scott Dershowitz, LMSW, CMC

Medical Reviewer Member of the SingleCare Medical Board
Scott Dershowitz, LMSW, CMC, is a licensed social worker, geriatric care manager, and aging life care consultant based in New York City.
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Rx pill bottle: Xarelto assistance for Medicare patients

Xarelto assistance for Medicare patients

Learn more about Xarelto savings for Medicare patients
Chemotherapy IV bag

Does Medicare cover chemo?

Medicare covers chemotherapy, but you’ll still owe a deductible and coinsurance
Confused man: Who qualifies for Medicare?

Who qualifies for Medicare?

Medicare eligibility factors include age, disability, and certain health conditions
Stethoscope: What is a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit?

What is a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit?

Medicare covers an Annual Wellness Visit and Welcome to Medicare visit but not an annual physical exam
Older woman looking worried: Does Medicare cover mental health?

Does Medicare cover mental health?

Many mental health services are covered by Medicare, including depression screenings, therapy, and medications
Person with Medicare questions: What does Medicare cover?

What does Medicare cover?

Compare what’s covered under Medicare Part A, B, C, and D
Clipboard with bar chart: 2022 long-term care survey

Long-term care survey

Our long-term care survey revealed many misconceptions about long-term care needs and costs
Rx pill bottle: Does Medicare cover hormone replacement therapy?

Does Medicare cover HRT?

A Part C or Part D Medicare plan may cover the prescription drugs for HRT
An older couple hugging: Senior's guide to Medicare

Senior’s guide to Medicare

More than 65 million people enrolled in Medicare last year. Learn what it is, who qualifies, and how to enroll.
Laptop with eyeglasses, notepad, and pills: What is Medicare Part D?

What is Medicare Part D?

Medicare Part D is optional prescription drug insurance
Stack of $20 bills with prescription medication bottle: Medicare part d deductible

What is the Medicare Part D deductible for 2024?

The 2024 Medicare Part D deductible is $0 to $545
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