Scott Dershowitz, LMSW, CMC
Medical Reviewer Member of the SingleCare Medical Board
Scott Dershowitz, LMSW, CMC, is a licensed social worker, geriatric care manager, and aging life care consultant based in New York City.
Connect with Scott Dershowitz, LMSW, CMC
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What is a ‘copay’?
Healthcare is a complex subject with terms that can seem like a…
Updated on Nov. 24, 2020
What is coinsurance?
Sometimes healthcare terms can seem like a whole different language. With words…
Jun. 7, 2016
What is a deductible?
Sometimes healthcare terms can seem like a whole different language. With words…
May 25, 2016
Missed open enrollment?
Open enrollment only comes once a year—here's what to do if you miss the deadline
Updated on Jan. 9, 2024
2024 Medicaid changes
Here is what you should know about qualifying for the federal and state-funded healthcare program
Updated on Feb. 12, 2024
What’s the difference between a copay vs. deductible?
Sometimes healthcare terms can seem like a whole different language. With words…
Updated on Nov. 15, 2021
What is COBRA health insurance?
“COBRA” may evoke images of a dangerous snake, but it's actually a…
Updated on Jul. 31, 2020
What is an out-of-pocket maximum?
Health insurance is complicated, with a variety of confusing terms that can…
Updated on Jul. 31, 2020
Medicare vs. Medicaid: What are the differences?
Medicare and Medicaid are health insurance programs funded by the government. You may be eligible for one or both.
Updated on Dec. 5, 2024