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Scott Dershowitz, LMSW, CMC

Medical Reviewer Member of the SingleCare Medical Board
Scott Dershowitz, LMSW, CMC, is a licensed social worker, geriatric care manager, and aging life care consultant based in New York City.
Connect with Scott Dershowitz, LMSW, CMC
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Two teddy bears hugging represents children's mental health

How to talk to children about mental health

Depression and anxiety aren't just "grown-up" issues
A calendar for November 21, marking Sunday, November 1 — ACA open enrollment

A guide to ACA enrollment

This guide to deadlines and healthcare offerings will help you select the right healthcare plan
A clipart clipboard: Medicare open enrollment

Your guide to Medicare open enrollment

The Medicare Open Enrollment Period is Oct. 15 and Dec. 7. Here’s what you should know about switching plans.
An image of a Medicare card and a lock symbolize Medicare fraud

Learn what Medicare fraud is—and how you can watch out for it

Medicare fraud is a felony that costs taxpayers billions annually. Learn how to identify Medicare fraud and what to do when you catch it.
SingleCare logo and search bar for drug coupons

Can I use SingleCare if I’m on Medicare?

SingleCare works with Medicare, but you have to choose to use one or the other—not both. Here’s how to maximize your prescription savings with drug coupons and Medicare.
living with migraines - talking to your family - child's chair

How to talk to your family about migraines

“Don’t bother Mommy—she has a headache.” I can’t count how many times…
Father's Day - take dad to the doctor

5 tips to get men to the doctor

Only 50% of men see a healthcare provider regularly, these tips can help ease their fears and concerns
Sprinkled donut: Medicare donut hole

What’s the Medicare donut hole?

​​If you spend $5,030 on covered drugs in 2024, you'll enter the Medicare donut hole. Find out what the donut hole is, who's affected, and how to avoid it.
When to take a mental health day - unplugged cord

Do you need a mental health day?

It's imperative to step back and take a break every now and then
Most prescribed drugs by state

How Medicaid shapes drug costs and distribution in America

Americans pay an average of approximately $1,200 a year for prescriptions—and that…
Self-employed health insurance options

Insurance options for self-employed

This is what you should consider when selecting your own insurance plan