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Scott Dershowitz, LMSW, CMC

Medical Reviewer Member of the SingleCare Medical Board
Scott Dershowitz, LMSW, CMC, is a licensed social worker, geriatric care manager, and aging life care consultant based in New York City.
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Pneumonia vaccine: Does Medicare cover pneumonia shots?

Does Medicare cover pneumonia shots?

Medicare covers pneumonia shots, but you must have Medicare Part B to get a free Prevnar 13 or Pneumovax 23 vaccine
Doctor holding stethoscope and clipboard with Medicaid written on it

What is Medicaid?

Medicaid offers affordable health care to millions of low-income Americans. Find out if you qualify.
A calendar represents failed New Year’s resolutions

Why it’s okay to break your resolutions

Just 9% of people stick to resolutions. Here’s why that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Medicare card with stethoscope and notepad: What is Medicare?

What is Medicare?

Medicare is federal health insurance for people aged 65+ or younger people with certain disabilities
New year resolutions

New Year’s resolutions during COVID-19

Think ‘specific’ and ‘sustainable’ when setting your goals for 2022
What medical records should I keep? A stethoscope and notepad
Health Education

What health records should I keep?

You should have certain paperwork on hand for up to 10 years. Here’s how to know what to save and what to toss.
Sprinkled donut with a bite out of it: Do Medicare Advantage plans have a donut hole?

Do Medicare Advantage plans have a donut hole?

If you add prescription drug coverage to your Medicare Advantage plan, it will still have a donut hole, just like a regular Part D plan
Blue Rx prescription pill bottle: Does Medicare Part B cover prescriptions?

Does Medicare Part B cover prescriptions?

Medicare Part B covers some medications, but if you regularly take prescriptions, you'll probably want Part D coverage as well
Medicare card and insulin vial with syringe: Medicare insulin coverage

How to afford insulin on Medicare

Does Medicare pay for insulin? Find out which Medicare plan you need to get the most affordable insulin.
A hand holding a dibetic glucose monitor: Does Medicare cover testing supplies?

Does Medicare cover diabetic supplies?

Certain Medicare plans cover diabetes supplies, but you may still owe a copay
Map of America with charts and graphs: Medicare Statistics

Medicare statistics 2024

18.5% of the U.S. population is on Medicare. Find out which Medicare plan is the most popular, the most common health conditions and popular drugs, and Medicare price trends over the years.
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