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Leslie Greenberg, MD

Medical Reviewer Member of the SingleCare Medical Board
Dr. Leslie Greenberg is a board-certified practicing family physician with more than 25 years of doctoring experience. She was a psychology major at Northwestern University near Chicago, then graduated with an MD from University of Nevada School of Medicine. She completed her family medicine residency at St. Joseph Hospital in Wichita, Kansas. She has trained over 350 family medicine resident-physicians, been in private practice, and delivered babies for 22 years.
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Rx prescription pad and Rx pill bottle: Sepsis symptoms
Health Education

Sepsis symptoms: What are the early signs of sepsis?

Common signs of sepsis include fever, chills, hypothermia, low blood pressure, fast heart rate, rapid breathing, and low blood pressure.
Person holding their wrist - signs of inflammation

10 signs of inflammation

From brain fog to diarrhea, your body responds to injury, illness, and stress in various ways
Rx prescription pad and Rx pill bottle: Symptoms of pneumonia
Health Education

Pneumonia symptoms: What are the early signs of pneumonia?

Common signs of pneumonia include coughing and fever. Learn more about pneumonia symptoms and treatments here.
woman with hands touching neck - can you live without a thyroid
Health Education

Can you live without a thyroid?

Surprisingly, this little endocrine gland can be replaced with appropriate medications. Here are the situations when you might need to go without one.
Dermatologist using a microscope to conduct a skin check

Skin cancer survey: How much do we know?

Despite being one of the most common types of cancer, 25% of survey takers are unaware of skin cancer risk factors. Get more updated skin cancer statistics here.
Book of AAP guidlines for childhood obesity

New childhood obesity guidelines

New recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics include treating this condition with medication and surgery
ashtray next to fresh fruits - vitamins for smokers

5 vitamins for smokers

While you’re trying to quit smoking, these supplements can help improve your health
A woman having difficulty sleeping — insomnia from quitting smoking
Health Education

Tips to sleep when you quit smoking

Difficulty sleeping can occur from nicotine withdrawal—but that shouldn’t stop you from giving it up. Here’s what can help you catch some zzz’s.
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11 benefits of Dry January

Alcohol consumption rises during the holiday season—these are some of the perks of cutting back
bag of produce - how to lower potassium levels
Health Education

How to lower potassium levels

When untreated, hyperkalemia is dangerous—these five things can help
woman looking thoughtful - foods that help with acne

The best diet for acne

See the five foods that should be added to your daily eating plan to help improve your skin
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