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Leah Campbell

Leah Campbell is a writer and editor living in Anchorage, Alaska. A single mother by choice after a serendipitous series of events led to the adoption of her daughter. Leah is also author of the book Single Infertile Female and has written extensively on the topics of infertility, adoption, and parenting.
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Health insurance scams to avoid

4 health insurance scams to avoid

There are several red flags that the plan you’re being offered is not legitimate
Medications that cause heat intolerance
Health Education

6 meds that cause heat intolerance

Certain over-the-counter and prescription treatments can ruin a day of fun in the sun—and have dangerous side effects
A man exercising represents men’s heart health
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7 heart health tips for men

Heart disease is the number one killer of males in the U.S., but it’s preventable, with these tips
A heart and pills represent beta blockers for heart failure
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What’s the best beta blocker for heart failure?

Beta blockers are often prescribed to treat high blood pressure, but they’re FDA-approved for heart failure, too.
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How to cure perioral dermatitis fast with antibiotics

There may not be a fast cure for perioral dermatitis. Learn how to manage your symptoms and which treatments may be more effective.
An image of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar

8 health benefits of apple cider vinegar

There are some provable benefits to consuming apple cider vinegar regularly
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What it’s like living with endometriosis

At two in the afternoon, I’m home in bed. I have three…
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16 hangover cures that work

If you're sick in bed (regretting last night's choices), you need to read this