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Heather M. Jones

Heather M. Jones is a freelance writer in Toronto. In addition to writing about health and wellness, Heather writes articles on social justice, parenting, body image, and humor. She has been featured in The Washington Post, Parents, The Huffington Post, and others.
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A child in a carseat represents car sickness in kids
Health Education

The parent’s guide to car sickness

There are ways to make motion a little easier for everyone.
An envelope with a heart represents healthy heart during Valentine's day
Health Education

Heart-healthy tips for Valentine’s day

These surprising ideas will have you focusing on romance in ways that are good for cardiovascular health
A doctor examines a girl for strep throat in kids
Health Education

The parent’s guide to strep throat in kids

Endless coughs and sneezes, runny noses, and unexplained itchy bumps—kids seem to…
A boy itching represents ringworm in kids
Health Education

The parent’s guide to ringworm in kids

Endless coughs and sneezes, runny noses, and unexplained itchy bumps—kids seem to…
kawasaki disease
Health Education

Read the parent’s guide to Kawasaki disease

Endless coughs and sneezes, runny noses, and unexplained itchy bumps—kids seem to…
A baby represents RSV
Health Education

A parent’s guide to RSV

Endless coughs and sneezes, runny noses, and unexplained itchy bumps—kids seem to…
Children with hand, foot, and mouth disease
Health Education

The parent’s guide to hand, foot, and mouth disease in children

Endless coughs and sneezes, runny noses, and unexplained itchy bumps—kids seem to…
A boy with fifth disease in kids
Health Education

How to identify—and treat—fifth disease (parvo) in kids

Endless coughs and sneezes, runny noses, and unexplained itchy bumps—kids seem to…
Roseola in kids - baby crawling
Health Education

What is roseola? How do you treat it?

Endless coughs and sneezes, runny noses, and unexplained itchy bumps—kids seem to…
Ear infections in kids
Health Education

Ear Infections in kids

Endless coughs and sneezes, runny noses, and unexplained itchy bumps—kids seem to…
Lice treatment for kids
Health Education

How to prevent—and treat—lice in children

Endless coughs and sneezes, runny noses, and unexplained itchy bumps—kids seem to…